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Seniors Directory a little gold mine–but it’s free

Forget all that annoying small print in the phone book, those multi-choice buttons to press when you make a simple phone request. Coming soon to a location near you is an 89-page compact booklet that tells how to get help, services, advice and just plain stuff.


The location is Prince Edward County Community Care for Seniors’ office in the Armoury, 206 Main St., Picton. The printed gem of information is the Information for Seniors Directory, 2002 version. It’s the eleventh edition of the directory, and is being published as part of Community Care’s 25th anniversary year.

It’s free to any senior who drops in to the office, and is published with funding assistance from Human Resources Development Canada, which donated $1,000 towards printing costs. Essroc also donated $200 in funding.

In addition to providing easy reference to all services available in the county, there’s a new section this year for caregivers, offering some answers to frequently asked questions. The section was added, says Executive Director Debbie Moynes, because many seniors are also caregivers to older family members.There are also tear-out sheets for anyone who wishes to volunteer some time or buy a membership or make a donation to Community Care, which is only partially funded by the provincial government.

Whether the information sought is about medical, dental, legal problems, entertainment or provincial parks, this booklet will be of assistance. Phone numbers, e-mail addresses and where applicable, websites, are provided. The latter features are new since the 10th edition was published in 1999, to bring the publication up to speed for the 21st century.

The directory is the second major publication Community Care has produced in its 25th anniversary year. A fundraiser cookbook, containing recipes donated by seniors and Community Care volunteers, is available at the office for $10.

The Prince Edward County Community Care for Seniors Association provides community support services to eligible seniors and adults with physical disabilities who reside in Prince Edward. Services include transportation, Meals on Wheels, seniors’ dinners, foot care clinics, assistance with forms, and reassurance checks. For information on these and other programs call Prince Edward Community Care at 476-7493, stop in at the office located at The Armoury, 206 Main Street, Picton, or check the website at