The Picton Seniors’ Dinner will continue throughout the summer
Debbie Moynes, Executive Director, announced today that arrangements have been finalized to hold the Picton Seniors’ Dinner in Picton during June, July, August and September.
The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 78 has agreed to provide their meeting hall for this noon hour program on the third Wednesday of each month. The caterer has been engaged and the volunteer helpers have been contacted. Moynes says “we hold these dinners in 5 locations of The County from October to May of each year in an effort to encourage seniors to maintain or re-establish social contacts and to have a hot, nutritious meal.
The summer program in Picton will be in an air-conditioned hall which has lots of parking. Picton is a central location and we expect good attendance by seniors from all parts of The County.” The dates for the dinners are June 18, July 16, August 20, and September 17. Reservations necessary by the Tuesday prior at 12 noon. Call 476-7493. Bring your own plate, cup and cutlery.