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We believe in the freedom and dignity of choice; the comfort of home; a passion for volunteers.

Meals to Home

Back to Community Care for Seniors Services

Jon (Volunteer) I’m John

Lois (Volunteer) I’m Lois

Jon (Volunteer) And we work as volunteers for community care. We’ve been doing that for a couple of years, enjoy the work. Meals to Home is a service that involves taking a hot meal which would be a main course, dessert, hot soup. It gets to the point where people welcome the arrival, they welcome the hot meal, they welcome the interface with somebody else other than the television set perhaps.

Lois (Volunteer) A person can opt to have frozen meals instead of having us come every day. And they get the meals delivered but once a week. And they can heat them up themselves; microwaves are a great thing for seniors living alone. We think they do a wonderful job keeping seniors in their homes.

Client 1 It’s something to look forward to actually in a day. You’re always watching the clocks to see how close it is. They always come about quarter after twelve. Everybody  is very gracious and try to help you as much as they can. As far as I’m concerned they do a wonderful job.

Client 2 The meals to home that we use, which is the Apetito frozen food, is really for people who are still very well and were quite capable of doing things but we just like this as an addition. Because it’s very difficult to cook just for one or two.

Caregiver The reassurance factor comes in several ways. One of them is that we know for sure that mother is ok because of the fact that meals on wheels will not leave a meal without the person being there. And that in itself is a big relief. The other reassurance factor is that we know she is getting good nutrition. And she enjoys it, more than anything she enjoys it.